Jan 24, 2025

Diabetes Mellitus: Causes, Types, and Management -Dr. Garvita Purohit

Diabetes, this is a term which is as common in Indian Households as ‘free dhaniya in kitchen’ or ‘cricket discussion with tea in the drawing room’; but we need to understand that this unwelcomed guest in our body needs to be eradicated and before doing that we need to understand the term Diabetes.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood glucose. Hyperglycaemia, also called raised blood glucose or raised blood sugar, is a common effect of uncontrolled diabetes and over time leads to serious damage to many of the body's systems, especially the nerves and blood vessels. - According to W.H.O

In common words, Insulin is a hormone in our body that regulates blood glucose levels in our body. And due to some pathological reasons either the production of insulin is not enough or the human body cannot use the available insulin. On this basis, Diabetes mellitus is mainly of 2 types.

  1. Diabetes Mellitus Type 1
  2. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

Diabetes Mellitus Type IIIn India, there are estimated 77 million people above the age of 18 years are suffering from diabetes (type 2) and nearly 25 million are prediabetics (at a higher risk of developing diabetes in the near future). – Acc. to W.H.O.

With these data, one can easily see that how casual and familiar we Indians are with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. People feel a certain glitter in announcing, ‘ke mujhe bas who hi aam bp, sugar ki bimar hai aur kya!’

In DM Type 2, body has sufficient amount of insulin produced in it but it is unable to use that hormone properly to process glucose causing high blood sugar levels.

DM Type 2 also known as Non-insulin Dependent disease generally happens in adults. It is a lifestyle disorder and can be perfectly prevented.

Diabetes Mellitus Type IIn this, the body does not produce enough or no insulin. In such cases, artificial insulin is introduced in the body (as prescribed) to process sugar/ glucose. And so it is called as Insulin Dependent, also known as juvenile diabetes.Causes of Diabetes  
  • Insulin resistance -- Insulin resistance happens when cells in your muscles, fat, and liver don't respond as they should to insulin. Insulin is a hormone your pancreas makes that's essential for life and regulating blood sugar levels. This happens in DM Type 2
  • Bad Lifestyle – A sedimentary lifestyle meaning living a life with zero exercise, bad food habits, and too much stress can make you a patient of DM Type 2
  • Auto immune disorder – when the body’s immunity cells attack the insulin-making cells in the body. This can also be triggered by viral infection. It is the main cause of DM Type 1
  • feeling very thirsty
  • needing to urinate more often than usual
  • blurred vision
  • feeling tired
  • losing weight unintentionally
  • pain in calf muscles
  • sleeping too often
  • sweet-ish smell in urine / thick urine
Management of Diabetes

DM Type 1 can be very nicely managed with insulin and diet.

DM Type 2 patients can perfectly reverse their conditions and be non-diabetic by following a proper diet and doing physical exercise. But they need to keep following a regime to avoid being diabetic again.

Either you can continue on taking chemical-based medications or make your food your medication. What you eat and how you eat- this knowledge helps you in managing the reversal of type 2 diabetes.

Proper consultations with your Naturopathy Doctor can help you in staying Healthy. Get a proper care.