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Kidney Specialist in Jaipur

Cure Kidney Diseases without Dialysis & Transplant

Kidney health is paramount for overall wellness, and various factors can contribute to kidney disease. Conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, inflammation, and infections are common culprits. Embrace the power of Ayurveda to bolster and optimize your kidney function. Whether you face critical, chronic, or mild kidney concerns, our Ayurvedic experts are here to guide you towards optimal kidney health. Our skilled team of Ayurveda doctors and therapists collaborate to provide holistic care that promotes proper kidney function. At Sevyam, we offer safe and non-surgical solutions for speedy recovery. As kidney diseases are increasingly prevalent, trust in our Ayurvedic services to address a wide spectrum of concerns. Tailored Care for Every Concern: Be it kidney infections, chronic kidney diseases, or even kidney failure, we provide personalized care. Our approach involves a thorough understanding of your symptoms and medical history, enabling us to craft custom solutions that align with your unique needs. By harnessing the potency of natural methods, we stand with you in overcoming kidney-related challenges.
All about GRAD System-(Gravitational Resistance And Diet System)
Developed by Dr Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury,The GRAD system is an ayurvedic perspective recommended as an effective alternative to treat CKD patients.
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Hydro Threapy
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
HTD Therapy
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
DIP Diet
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Earthing Therapy
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Hot water Immersion Therapy
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Living Water Therapy
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
No Dialysis & Kidney Transplant
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
GRAD Treatment Routine
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Morning Yoga Session
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Hunza Tea & Health Follow-Up Session
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Sunbath Therapy
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Green Juice & Red Juice Serving
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Pre-HWI Therapy Checkups
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
HWI Therapy
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Post HWI Checkups
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Lunch (GRAD Diet)
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
HDT Therapy
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Physiotherapy Session with Experts
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Massage & Acupressure
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Health Checkup
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Health follow-up Session with NICE Experts
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Dinner (GRAD Diet)
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Meditation Session
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Day end & Rest
Kidney Disease Treating with GRAD Therapy
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease)
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Kidney Failure
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Kidney Stone
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
Kidney Infection
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
AKD ( Acute Kindey Disease)
Kidney Specialist in Jaipur
PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)
Our CKD Heros
Know what our patients had to say about our diversified and thorough GRAD treatment!
डायलिसिस हुआ बंद 8 दिन में ! Dialysis stopped naturally in just 8 days :: GRAD Treatment
10 लीटर जमा पानी 10 दिन में साफ़ , मुझे कोई ज़रूरत नहीं अब डायलिसिस की। No Dialysis , No Transplant !!
अब कोई ज़रूरत नहीं डायलिसिस की मुझे !! No Dialysis , No Kidney Transplant
मेरा तोह किडनी ट्रांसप्लांट होना तैय था, पर अब ज़रूरत नहीं !! No Dialysis , No Kidney Transplant.
GRAD Therapy : New Hope for Kidney Disease Patients !!
Can kidney damage be repaired?
Damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed. But if doctors find CKD early, there are ways you can keep the damage from getting worse, such as following a kidney-friendly eating plan, being active and taking certain medicines. In the U.S., 37 million people have CKD. That is more than 1 in 7 adults.
Which dialysis treatment is better?
If dialysis is recommended for you, you’ll often be able to choose whether to have haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. Both methods of dialysis are equally effective for most people, so it’s usually a case of personal preference.
Can a person survive with kidney failure?
Kidney failure, also called end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), is the fifth and last stage of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Kidney failure cannot be reversed and is life-threatening if left untreated. However, dialysis or a kidney transplant can help you live for many more years.
Is a kidney infection serious?
About kidney infections – It’s more serious than cystitis, a common infection of the bladder that makes urinating painful. If treated promptly, a kidney infection doesn’t cause serious harm, but will make you feel very unwell. If a kidney infection isn’t treated, it can get worse and cause permanent kidney damage.
What is the main cause of kidney stones?
Not drinking enough water each day can increase your risk of kidney stones. People who live in warm, dry climates and those who sweat a lot may be at higher risk than others. Certain diets. Eating a diet that’s high in protein, sodium (salt) and sugar may increase your risk of some types of kidney stones.
Is polycystic kidney disease curable?
There’s currently no cure for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), and it’s not possible to stop cysts forming in the kidneys. But there are some potentially useful medications, such as tolvaptan, that can sometimes be used to reduce the growth rate of cysts.