
What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a form of alternative medicine that emphasizes the body's ability to heal itself by supporting its vital force through natural means. Instead of simply treating symptoms, naturopathy aims to identify and address the underlying causes of illness. This approach encompasses a wide range of therapies, including herbal medicine, dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and more.
Using the power of natural elements, Naturopathy combines traditional techniques and modern science to stimulate the human body’s power to heal itself with the healing power of nature.
Mud baths, Mud packs, Body wraps
Hydrotherapeutic methods in the form of Baths, Jets, Douches, Packs, Compresses, Immersions and Colonic Irrigations
Breathing exercises, Outdoor walking, Open air baths
Sun baths, Thermoleum baths, magnetised water, colour charged oils/water
Fasting therapy
Heal your mind, body, and soul.
Mud Therapy
It involves using mud or moistened earth for treating various health problems such as constipation, lumbago, abdominal cramps, chronic pains, liver and kidney ailments, etc. It is also recommended for curing inflammation, eye problems, headache, toothache, headache and general painful conditions. Mud has a cooling effect and the power to absorb and dilute bad toxins from the body. Applying mud packs around the affected area can cure the excess heat and cool down the body from the inside. It can help soothe the mind and to detoxify the body. ⦁ Helps improve circulation and relax the muscles ⦁ Improves the digestive activity and sets right the metabolism ⦁ Local application helps relieve inflammations, swellings and reduces pain ⦁ Excellent in skin conditions without open lesions ⦁ Helps bring down blood pressure ⦁ Nourishes the skin ⦁ Conditions the hair ⦁ Specific kind of application relieves the stiffness of joints
Steam Bath
Steam baths offer a dual purpose of rejuvenation and relaxation, while also promoting detoxification and enhancing blood circulation throughout the body. Beyond their tranquil effects, steam baths offer potential health advantages including pain alleviation, relief from dry skin, and assistance with respiratory concerns. To optimize effectiveness, steam baths function ideally within the temperature range of 110°F to 116°F, accompanied by near 100 percent humidity. ⦁ Post workout relaxation ⦁ Relevant joint and muscular tension ⦁ Removes toxins ⦁ Clears the skin ⦁ Promotes healthy blood flow ⦁ Aids weight loss ⦁ Treat cardiovascular diseases
Hydro Therapy
Hydrotherapy involves using water in various forms, such as hot and cold compresses, baths, and wraps, to stimulate circulation, promote detoxification, and boost the immune system. Hydrotherapy is believed to aid in relieving pain and supporting overall wellness. ⦁ Relieves localized pain and inflammations ⦁ Relieves congestive headaches ⦁ Relieves the spasms of the bronchioles and facilitates easy breathing as in asthma and bronchitis ⦁ Excellent for relieving the numbness and tingling in the extremities [as in diabetes mellitus]
Fasting Therapy
Naturopathic fasting is a holistic approach that revitalizes digestive health and efficiency. Unlike medications, fasting detoxifies, bolsters immunity, and enhances overall wellness. This practice promotes improved cardiovascular function, heightened insulin sensitivity, and cellular rejuvenation, guiding you towards enduring vitality. By attuning to your body's needs, fasting empowers wiser choices for a healthier, more fulfilling life. ⦁ Changes the function of hormones, cells, and genes ⦁ Can help you lose weight and visceral fat ⦁ Can reduce insulin resistance, lowering your risk for type 2 diabetes ⦁ Can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the body ⦁ May be beneficial for heart health ⦁ Induces various cellular repair processes ⦁ May help prevent cancer
Sun Bath
Embracing sunlight as therapy offers a natural avenue for addressing diverse health concerns. Sunbathing plays a pivotal role in regulating melatonin production, crucial for maintaining our body's circadian rhythms. This therapy harmonizes hormonal balance, safeguarding against disorders. Notably, reduced sunlight exposure has been linked to the emergence of both physical and psychological issues. ⦁ Taking a sunbath helps to keep your blood pressure in check. ⦁ It induces sleep. ⦁ It helps to heal skin issues. ⦁ It helps to boost immunity. ⦁ It keeps diabetes in check.
What are the treatment in naturopathy?
Therapies may include nutritional medicine, diet advice, herbal medicine, homeopathy, lifestyle advice, and tactile therapies, such as massage, acupressure or Bowen technique.
How do naturopaths treat patients?
Treatments address the patient’s underlying condition, rather than individual presenting symptoms. Modalities utilized by NDs include diet and clinical nutrition, behavioral change, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, botanical medicine, physical medicine, pharmaceuticals, and minor surgery.
What is the most common neurological problem?
Some of the most common are epilepsy, Alzheimer’s and other dementias, strokes, migraine and other headaches, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, neurological infections, brain tumors, traumatic conditions of the nervous system such as head injuries and disorders caused by malnutrition.